Centro de Produtos


Ciência e Tecnologia Quântica
Ciência e Tecnologia Quântica
A tecnologia quântica pertence ao campo estratégico e fundamental da ciência e inovação tecnológica de fronteira, que pode romper o gargalo da tecnologia clássica, aumentando a velocidade da computação, melhorando a precisão da medição e garantindo a segurança da informação.
Ciência de materiais
Ciência de materiais
Utilizando instrumentos analíticos avançados, estude a inter-relação entre o processo de preparação ou processamento de materiais, a microestrutura dos materiais e as propriedades macroscópicas dos materiais.
Produtos químicos
Produtos químicos
Análise da estrutura de substâncias contendo elétrons desemparelhados (como átomos únicos isolados, condutores, moléculas magnéticas, íons de metais de transição, íons de terras raras, aglomerados de íons, materiais dopados, materiais defeituosos, radicais biológicos, metaloproteínas, etc.) e suas aplicações são realizado usando espectroscopia de onda.
Ciências Industriais e Aplicadas
Ciências Industriais e Aplicadas
Fornecer produtos e soluções de alta qualidade e alto padrão para usuários industriais e pesquisa científica aplicada com base em tecnologia avançada e produtos confiáveis.
Poder elétrico
Poder elétrico
Concentre-se na utilização de recursos não convencionais de petróleo e gás, como óleo e gás de xisto, metano em jazidas de carvão, gelo combustível, etc., e desenvolva cenários de aplicação, como detecção quântica de fundo de poço e análise de núcleo digital.
Biomédica e Ciências da Vida
Biomédica e Ciências da Vida
Aplicada para resolver a estrutura e função de macromoléculas biológicas, imagens de moléculas únicas, imagens subcelulares, classificação de células e outros campos, a escala de medição abrange desde o nanômetro até a escala do mícron.


CIQTEK é desenvolvedora e fabricante global de instrumentos científicos de alta precisão. Nosso negócio principal inclui microscópios eletrônicos, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (ressonância de spin eletrônico), microscópios de varredura NV e analisador de área de superfície e poros BET.
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Noticias & Eventos


O que há de novo
 CIQTEK's 200th EPR in the World Was Delivered to Ningbo University
CIQTEK's 200th EPR in the World Was Delivered to Ningbo University
The "Workshop on Free Radicals and Paramagnetic Materials" and the Delivery Ceremony of the 200th Globally Installed EPR Instrument by CIQTEK were successfully held at Ningbo University on February 17th. Renowned experts and scholars from domestic and international universities and research institutes gathered to discuss the latest developments in the research field of free radicals and paramagnetic materials and witnessed a significant milestone in EPR technology by CIQTEK.   As a significant part of the event, CIQTEK officially delivered the EPR300 X-band Continuous Wave Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectrometer to the Institute of New Drug Technology at Ningbo University. This marks the 200th installation of the EPR spectrometer by CIQTEK worldwide. This milestone signifies the continuous breakthroughs and wide applications of CIQTEK in EPR technology, providing researchers worldwide with more powerful research tools.   During the delivery ceremony, Mr. Xu Kebiao, Vice President of CIQTEK, presented the delivery certificate to Dr. Huang Shaohua, Executive Vice Dean of the Institute of New Drug Technology at Ningbo University.   Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer is a core tool for studying free radicals and paramagnetic materials, with wide applications in chemistry, biology, materials science, environmental science, and other fields. CIQTEK has been committed to the research and innovation of EPR technology since its establishment, and its products have gained the trust of researchers worldwide due to their high sensitivity, high resolution, and stable performance.   Mr. Xu Kebiao, Vice President of CIQTEK, stated during the delivery ceremony, "Since the introduction of domestically developed EPR products in 2018 to the delivery of the 200th instrument, CIQTEK has made a rapid leap from a newcomer in the industry to a leader in the field. Behind this achievement is CIQTEK's unwavering pursuit of technological innovation and keen insight into market demand. In the future, CIQTEK will continue to promote the upgrading and popularization of EPR technology, providing global researchers with higher-quality scientific instruments and services. At the same time, the company will actively explore the application of EPR technology in more fields, injecting new vitality into scientific research and technological innovation." The delivered EPR300 spectrometer will serve the Institute of New Drug Technology at Ningbo University, providing strong technical support for their research in the fields of new drug development, free radical chemistry, and materials science. Since its establishment in 2017, the Institute has brought together interdisciplinary research teams in chemistry, pharmacy, artificial intelligence, and other fields, dedicated to promoting new drug development and technological innovation. The introduction of EPR technology will further enhance the research ...
February 19, 2025
From "Ne Zha 2" to CIQTEK: China's Cultural Confidence and Innovative Strength in Science and Technology
When the image of Ne Zha, riding a fire-spouting wheel and wielding a fiery spear, appeared on the big screen, this ancient mythological character was given new vitality. "Ne Zha" is not only a successful animated film but also an epitome of the perfect fusion of Chinese traditional culture and modern technology. The film's stunning special effects showcase the immense power of digital technology in the cultural and creative industries. In the real world, companies like CIQTEK, with their independently developed precision measurement instruments, are writing a new chapter in China's technological innovation. From cultural confidence to technological self-strength, China is taking a unique innovative development path.   I. Cultural Confidence: Modern Rebirth of Traditional IPs   Since its release, "Ne Zha 2" has enjoyed soaring box office success. On February 13th, the film surpassed the 10 billion RMB mark, becoming the first Chinese film in history to gross over 10 billion RMB. Just four days later, it has accumulated a box office gross exceeding 12.123 billion RMB, surpassing the box office performance of "Jurassic World" and firmly securing the 9th position on the global box office chart!   In terms of visual presentation, the film utilizes state-of-the-art digital technology to seamlessly integrate Chinese traditional aesthetic elements with modern animation techniques. From the ink wash-style scene design to fluid motion capture, every detail showcases the progress of the Chinese animation industry. This progress is not only reflected in the technological aspects but also in the profound understanding and innovative expression of traditional culture.   II. Technological Self-Strength: China's Breakthrough in Precision Measurement   In the field of technology, CIQTEK is playing out a real-life "innovation myth." As a leading enterprise in the field of precision measurement, CIQTEK's independently developed products, such as Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Electron Spin Resonance) spectrometers, Scanning NV Probe Microscopes, and BET Surface Area & Pore Analyzers...... have broken the foreign technological monopoly and filled the domestic gap. The achievements signify that China has achieved significant advancements in the field of technology, transitioning from simply catching up to running alongside industry leaders.   The development of precision measurement technology has revolutionary implications for materials science, life science, and other fields. CIQTEK's products not only reach international advanced levels in performance but also surpass them in several key indicators. This groundbreaking progress showcases the innovative capabilities and tenacity of Chinese science and technology workers.   The stories of "Ne Zha" and CIQTEK illustrate that innovation is not simply about imitation and catching up but about innovating within ...
February 18, 2025
CIQTEK deseja a você um próspero ano da cobra na China! Feliz Ano Novo!
CIQTEK deseja a você um próspero ano da cobra na China! Feliz Ano Novo!
Quando nos despedimos de outro ano notável, gostaria de levar um momento para refletir sobre nossa incrível jornada juntos. O ano passado nos desafiou de maneiras sem precedentes, mas também demonstrou nossa resiliência, adaptabilidade e espírito inabalável. Por tudo, CIQTEK permaneceu na vanguarda da inovaç、o, impulsionando os avanços que moldam o futuro da tecnologia. Nosso compromisso com a excelência, juntamente com a dedicaç、o de nossa equipe extraordinária, nos levou a novos patamares e abriu portas a inúmeras possibilidades. Quando entramos no Ano Novo, vamos adotar a emoç、o e o otimismo que est、o por vir. Que este ano nos aproxime ainda mais de nossos objetivos, e que continuemos a ultrapassar os limites, aproveitando o poder da imaginaç、o e da ingenuidade. Juntos, superaremos obstáculos, nos inspiraremos e criaremos soluções que causam um impacto duradouro no mundo. Em nome de toda a família Ciqtek, gostaria de expressar nossa mais profunda gratid、o por seu apoio e confiança inabaláveis. Sua parceria tem sido a força motriz por trás do nosso sucesso, e estamos realmente honrados em tê -lo ao nosso lado. Desejando a você e a seus entes queridos um alegre ano novo cheio de amor, saúde e prosperidade. Que este ano seja um trampolim para realizar seus sonhos e aspirações. Vamos embarcar nessa jornada juntos, unidos em nossa busca pela excelência.
January 24, 2025
Conferências e Exposições



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